Benedictine Barn Raising!
You are cordially invited to assist the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles in a barn raising on Saturday April 16th beginning at 9 am. We will be erecting a cow shed and enclosing a pasture for a milk cow. We hope to complete both projects in one day, so bring your family and friends!
All are invited.
- Those that have carpentry skills should bring saws, hammers, tin snips and battery powered drills to erect the cow shed. Limited electrical power will be available via a portable generator.
- Fence builders are also needed. Bring post hole diggers, metal stake drivers, wire cutters and heavy pliers to assist in building a barbless fence with electric wire.
- Plenty of “go fers” (as in go fer this and go fer that”) are also needed. So, if you don’t have much experience in building, we need plenty of people to move fence supplies into position so other can drive them into the ground and shuttle barn pieces to those erecting the barn. This is perfect for those with older children.
Location - The Sisters are located approximately 45 minutes north of Kansas City, and 10 minutes north of Gower, Mo.
Click here for a map.Priory or Our Lady of Ephesus
8005 NW 316th Street
Gower, MO. 64454
Questions and RSVP – Please contact
Paul Villotti with questions. In order to know how many to expect for lunch, please let Paul know how many will be in your party. Feel free to leave a message.
Home – 816-862-6368
Cell - 816-872-6120
Those wishing to help offset the cost of this work may send donations to
Mother Cecilia at the Priory. Please make a note that the donation is for the barn project. The Sisters thank you for all your help and prayers for the successful completion of this project.
P.S. Those wishing to assist with prep work this Saturday, April 2nd at 9 am. should contact Paul so we can have enough for lunch. Thanks in advance for all your help!