St. Joseph Table is beautiful!

Canon Avis flanked by servers, Joseph and Jacob Villotti, blesses this year's St. Joseph table which was set up in the narthex around the statue of St. Joseph. Part of the blessing:
"Holy Lord, Father Almighty, everlasting God, bless this bread with Thy supernatural benevolence. May it be to all partakkers health for body and soul, and a safeguard aginst illness and all inimical assults....

"Bless, O Lord, these edibles, so they be a saving help to humanity; and grant that by calling on Thy Holy Name all who eat of them may experience health of body and protection of soul."
In their typical stylish manner, the ladies of the Oratory decorated this morning's St. Joseph Table. Shown to the right are: Therese Balke and Felicia Villotti, leaders of the volunteers.

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