Christendom College will close so students can "March for Life"

Chartered buses will transport the entire student body, faculty and staff to the 2009 March for Life protest in Washington, D.C. The event will be January 22nd.
"The March is a critical part of the pro-life movement and has a tremendous impact on both the participants and the greater public,” President of Christendom College’s Students for Life Cyrus Artz said. “Christendom students and other attendees are given the opportunity to connect with other pro-lifers and realize that they are not alone in a hostile culture and frightening political environment. The nation at large is given a witness that America is not complacent about life, and that the youth of America are going to be fighting the battle for life until won."
The photo by Eric Martin shows some of the 400-500 thousand marchers in the 2008 event. Thanks to for this information.

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