Our First Palm Sunday at the Oratory

It was a cold, gray day in downtown Kansas City...and a light drizzle was falling, but that didn't phase the OSP faithful. They just bundled up and gave praise to the Lord in the traditional blessing of palms, distribution of palms and solemn outside processional ceremony to remember Our Lord's solemn entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The palm branches borne by the Jews on Palm Sunday were symbols of victory - the victory that Christ was to gain over the devil by His death.
Canon Avis blessed the palms.
After distribution of the palms, all participants began the ceremonial procession out of the church which continued around the entire church property.
There was light rain and it was cold, but none were daunted.
The procession paused at the church entrance for the singing of the Gloria Laus, "Glory, praise and honor to Thee, O King Christ, the Redeemer, to who children poured their glad and sweet hosanna's song." Many parishioners were heard joining in on the repetitions of the response to the antiphon verses.
After the priest and the procession pause at the door to the church for the completion of the singing of the processional antiphons, the server knocks three times at the door of the church with the processional cross, then it is opened to show that only through trials and tribulation can we enter the gate of Heaven and be admitted to the realms of bliss.

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