2nd Annual Sung "Missa pro Defunctis" at St. James Parish in St. Joe, MO

With eight seminarians from Conception in assistance, a choir composed of parishioners of various parishes in St. Joseph, MO and participation of several singers from Old St. Patrick Oratory, Father Joseph Totton, pastor of St. James Parish in St. Joseph celebrated a Requiem High Mass the evening of November 7th at the Church. There were approximately 60 persons in attendance.

The Mass was beautiful and had the unusual feature of a catafalque in place surrounded by candles. At the end of Mass Father gave absolution  over the empty casket symbolizing all poor souls to the Gregorian Chant "Libera Me" from the Requiem Mass sung by the schola.
Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal death on that fearful day, when the heavens and the earth are moved, when you come to judge the world with fire.
I am made to tremble and I fear, because of the judgment that will come, and also the coming wrath when the heavens and the earth are moved,

That day, day of wrath, calamity, and misery, day of great and exceeding bitterness when you come to judge the world with fire.

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
After Mass,  (in the photos posted above) Father and his servers and seminarians processed to the sacristy for post-Mass prayers for the dead. Here is an interesting and timely post by New Liturgical Movement blog that posits excellent ideas and suggestions about pre-and-post Mass prayer and decorum in the sacristy. 

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