Here's a charming story about the friendship of Msgr. Robert Murphy, our Vicar General of the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese, and Bing Crosby

As published in "Our Sunday Visitor" here's a letter written by Msgr. Robert Murphy, Vicar General of the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

"I read with interest your article on the evolution of priests and religious in the movies. I have a personal story that shows the power a movie can have. When I was about to graduate from grade school in 1962, I saw the movie "Going My Way" on television for the first time. I was so taken with Bing Crosby's portrayal of Father O'Malley that I decided to join the minor seminary. Father O'Malley was the kind of priest I wanted to be. As luck would have it, I met Bing Crosby, and he was supportive of me all through the seminary and until his death. He wrote letters of support and encouragement. Now, after 34 years as a priest, Father O'Malley is still the kind of priest I want to be."

...and Monsignor Murphy is the kind of priest that we would all be grateful for and thankful for to God! (Photo of Msgr. Murphy courtesy of the diocese.)

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